Contribute an Article!
Do you have expertise to share with your fellow T&I professionals? Write an article and maybe we’ll post it here! Before you get started, look over the following guidelines and keep them in mind while you’re writing. If you have questions that are not answered here, please contact us at atabizpractices@shushijia.net.
The target audience is established translators and/or interpreters, both freelancers and company owners, with at least five years of experience in the industry. They are not interested in “how to get started” articles, but rather an in-depth treatment of any topic that could fall under the umbrella category of “business practices.”
Length and Layout
Article length is flexible; we accept pieces ranging from about 1,000 to 2,000 words. Please note that longer articles may be split and published in parts. To improve readability, we encourage breaking the text into relatively short paragraphs, or using bulleted or numbered lists to separate the points you wish to make. In general, your article should be set up in the best way you find to communicate your point to readers. Instead of obsessing about exact word count, think “Is this useful information? Does it make sense? Will it help readers?”
We’re looking for information about any non-linguistic issue that established translators and interpreters encounter while doing business. Feel free to query us before starting on the article, or you can ask us for a list of ideas.
Please follow the Chicago Manual of Style for style and formatting considerations.
Original articles will be edited and returned to the author for approval. We will not publish an edited version of the article that has not been approved by the author. However, all articles should also be edited and proofread by the author before submission.
Authors retain all copyright to their work.
If submitting a reblogged article of your own, please include a link to its prior publication(s). We will include this information when the article is published.
We encourage the use of images with your post. If you include one or more images, please ascertain that you have the right to use them. Alternatively, you may request that we select a permissions-free stock image from a third-party site.
Ready to Contribute?
Please include all of these items with your email requesting publication of your article:
- Your name as you want it published
- Your contact information (email address, definitely; phone number is optional)
- The article in MS Word format (.doc or .docx)
- Your headshot and author bio (100 words or less); these items will be published with the post
- Images, if you choose to submit your own
Send everything to atabizpractices@shushijia.net. We will get back to you as soon as possible with either an answer or queries about your article.
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If you have feedback or ideas for future articles, contact the Business Practices Committee.